La nostra Visione è quella di creare un mondo migliore dove la “Vocazione EnGreen” sia la spina dorsale delle politiche nazionali: dalle infrastrutture energetiche alla mobilità sostenibile, guidando la decontaminazione degli insediamenti urbani, industriali e rurali.
Affrontare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sia nei paesi in via di sviluppo che in quelli industrializzati rappresenta una questione di primaria urgenza.
In questo scenario, crediamo in programmi multi-settoriali che mettano in pratica soluzioni efficaci e praticabili per lo sviluppo sostenibile: acqua, cibo, energia, infrastrutture sono ambiti sinergici per favorire la crescita economica e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita.
EnGreen si batte con impegno per questa sfida globale.


La nostra missione è assistere gli attori chiave per il raggiungimento si risultati ad alto impatto nella transizione energetica e nelle azioni di mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici, attraverso modelli di business innovativi, tecnologie a basse emissioni di carbonio e strategie per la riduzione dei rischi di investimento.
EnGreen, come stretto partner del Cliente, costruisce relazioni professionali durature basate sulla fiducia e sulla competenza. Adottando un atteggiamento orientato ai risultati, il nostro team mira a garantire una corretta implementazione di tutte le fasi del progetto, dall’identificazione del business all’esercizio, compreso il monitoraggio & valutazione e, non ultimo, formazione & affiancamento.
Ci battiamo per strategie politiche e di business che adottino un approccio integrato per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
Coinvolgiamo diversi attori (governi, fondi, sviluppatori, EPC, fornitori, comunità) per innescare un’interazione proficua per il successo del progetto.
• Competenze Trasversali
• Orientamento ai Risultati
• Lavoro di Squadra
• Networking Vivace
• Responsabilità Sociale
• Passione e Impegno
• Integrità e fair play


Siamo un team di esperti con alto profilo professionale ed esperienza internazionale nel settore dello sviluppo sostenibile e della ricerca.
La nostra competenza abbraccia l’ingegneria energetica e ambientale, gli aspetti finanziari ed economici, la strategia di business e gestione del progetto.
La nostra forza è fondata su un background trasversale nel dialogare con i diversi attori nel quadro della cooperazione internazionale: aziende private (investitori, imprese, fornitori), organizzazioni no-profit, enti accademici (università, centri di ricerca) ed enti finanziatori.
Il nostro team versatile ci consente di fornire servizi di alta qualità per l’intero ciclo di vita del progetto.”

Carlo Tacconelli

Co-founder and CEO


Carlo is the EnGreen co-founder and CEO. He is an engineer with 15 years professional experience specialized in the sector of off-grid and on-grid renewable energy systems, environment impact and low carbon technologies. Carlo has gained experience working in project design, execution and operation of renewable energy plants as well as on climate change adaptation and mitigation actions with United Nations.
Carlo’s Academic background in short: PhD in Decentralised Energy Systems for Developing Countries; Master of Science in Environmental Engineering.

Valeria Gambino

Co-founder and CTO


Valeria is an engineer with more than 15 years professional experience specialized in the sector of off-grid renewable energy systems, energy efficiency and green housing. Valeria has gained experience as as proposal designer, technical advisor and coordinator in renewable energy projects, working on the whole project process, and for both profit and no-profit organizations.
Valeria’s academic background in short: PhD in Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems; Second Level Professional Master in Development Cooperation and Project Design.

Davide Ceretti



Davide is an engineer with 17 years professional experience, passionate about Energy Infrastructures and Sustainability. He has a particular interest in the Energy Transition Strategies, PV development, EPC, and company management. Davide is specialized in development and management of projects in both off-grid and on-grid renewable energy systems and gained his experience across Africa and Asia, working with Governmental Actors, international NGOs and private sector investors as well, coordinating multi stakeholders’ programs with a strong focus on socio-economic development, environment and energy nexus thematic.
Davide academic background in short: Master of Engineering (Meng – Industrial Engineering) and a post degree Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention.

Chiara Mastromonaco

Corporate Strategy Advisor


Chiara is a pragmatic and creative entrepreneur, marketing expert and management lecturer. After working for several years in the Fashion Industry as Marketing Manager, in 2015 she founds an innovative start-up operating in the FoodTech sector, pursuing the objective of shortening the supply chain and therefore of giving a concrete opportunity to ‘Agrifood’ producers to sell directly to their customers growing, competing and innovating. In 2020 she then founds her second startup focused on Sustainable Fashion giving a voice to international fashion designers and artists.
Chiara’s academic background in short: Scholarship (17K) at Biella Master delle Fibre Nobili; BA (Hons) International Business Management, International Marketing at Nottingham Trent University, London.

Francesco Roncallo

Business Development


Francesco is a Mechanical Engineer with a PhD in energy systems. He has gained experience as proposal and project manager for different energy related topics, having a specific focus on sustainability and capacity building aspects. Thanks to his collaborations with many different Institutions, he can take advantage of a wide partner network among Europe, Africa and Latin America.

Roberta Alonzo

Business Development


Following an academic path in Political Science and International Relations, Roberta specialized in the field of international project management. She worked for more than 6 years as a Project manager with international no-profit organizations between Tanzania, South Sudan and Lebanon, managing emergency response and sustainable development projects. Thanks to these challenging experiences she developed a set of state-of-the-art managerial skills and the capability to approach international and multicultural contexts.

Paolo Bucci

Project Manager


Paolo is an architect with 8 years of experience in architectural design, urban planning and design. He collaborated for many years with various construction companies, managing public and private sites. Paolo also has a wealth of experience in tenders and competitions. He joins the EnGreen team as a coordinator of the Italy Energy Unit, working in particular on energy efficiency and PV power generation.
Paolo’s academic Background in short: Master of Science in Architecture; First Level course KlimaHaus in Bolzano.

Chiara Esperti

Project Manager


Chiara is a senior architect with more than 10 years of experience in designing, construction supervision, asseveration of construction and cadastral files, certification of energy performance for buildings in Lazio region. In EnGreen, Chiara joins the Italy Unit as Energy Efficiency Architect, supporting the contribution towards energy transition in the country.
Chiara’s academic Background in short: Degree in Architecture in 2006, sworn in the professional order with the number 18851; Certificate in design of the building-plant system in line with Law 10/91.

Simone Paolacci

Project Engineer


Simone recently graduated from Sapienza University of Rome in Energy Engineering. He joins EnGreen’s team as Renewable Energy Engineer, focusing in particular on the projects supported by the Italian Government initiative for energy efficiency (Superbonus 110%) and on design of renewable plants.

Tommaso Ferrucci

Project Engineer


Tommaso is an energy engineer who is pursuing an Industrial PhD at the University of Pisa working on renewable energy communities and flexibility services. He joins EnGreen’s team as part of Italy Energy Unit, focusing on data management, energy needs assessment, optimization of energy systems and capacity building activities.

Micaela D'Ambrosio

Project Engineer


Micaela recently graduated in Energy Engineering from Polytechnic of Turin, focusing her studies on Renewable Energy systems. She just joined EnGreen’s team as an Energy Community Intern, working mainly on projects related to design of renewable plants and Renewable Energy Communities development in Italy.

Federico Trezza

Project Engineer


Federico is concluding a master’s degree in Energy Engineering from Polytechnic of Turin, focusing his studies on Renewable Energy systems. He joined EnGreen’s team as an Off-grid energy Intern, working mainly on projects related to off-grid renewable energy systems in Africa.

Antonio Masseroni

Corporate Finance Manager


Antonio has a master’s degree in business and economics. With more than 20 years of professional experience in financial administration and operational and industrial controlling, he also gained 15 years of valuable experience in Human Resources. His work experience spreads across several businesses, such as the food industry, railway industry, medical devices, and renewable energies. He is focused on human value and financial/economic issues, considering both as critical assets in a company.

Ana Sancho

Project Manager


Ana is an expert in renewable energy with over 10 years of experience, passionate about bringing electricity to rural areas and making a positive impact on communities worldwide. She’s worked in Academia, NGOs, the United Nations, and the private sector, leading projects across Europe, Africa, Asia & Pacific, and Latin America. With a PhD in Renewable Energy Technology and an MSc in Physics, Ana joins EnGreen as a technical advisor and project coordinator.