Good network and strong opportunities to support talent!

EnGreen recently signed a joint research program with University of Pisa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering to explore the technical and economic constraints and opportunities towards Renewable Energy Communities in Italy and Europe.

The research roadmap envisions a 3-year PhD position, co-funded by EnGreen,  which will focus on:

  • Decentralised renewable energy systems towards smooth energy transition ( multi-source power plants, clean mini-grids)
  • Smart grids and network flexibility interconnection with low-carbon power technologies
  • Prosumers’ clusters, load aggregation and demand forecast for reidential, commercial, industrial off-takers

The collaboration between University and industry will generate interesting opportunities for on-field hands-on activities related to piloting ground-breaking energy initiatives in developing countries ( Sub-Saharan Africa) and industrialized contexts ( EU member states).

Find the relevant links below:

Tender notice:

Application procedure:

Deadline for application submission: August 8th, 2022